Flor Bex

Short Curriculum Vitae

Name: Florent Bex
Born in Antwerpen le 37 janvier 1937; married; 3 children
Amerikalei 125, B-2000 Antwerpen
Tel.: +/32/475/46 45 31
Email: bex.dedeyne@telenet.be

PhD Art History and Archeology, University of Gent (1964)

Most important professional jobs
1972-1981: Director of the International Cultural Center in Antwerpen (ICC)
1983: Founder of Artefactum, international magazine on contemporary art (1983-1995)
1985-2002: Director/Founder of the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerpen (MUHKA)
2002-2014: Director of Bex Art Consult bvba Antwerpen
2008-2009: Art Consultant for Aon Belgium NV

Organised more than 700 exhibitions on contemporary art in Belgium and abroad, editor of catalogues to these exhibitions; publication of numerous articles in catalogues, books, magazines...

Professor and guest-professor at several universities in Belgium and abroad.

Honorary president of the Association of Belgian Art Critics (AICA).


© 2025  |  AICA-be
Jacqueline Mesmaeker_Installation view_Raveel Museum_photo D. Pauwels_courtesy Galerie Nadja Vilenne, Liège